Import-Export Cases

This article contains information on how to export one or a few cases from one A1-Law database to another.  One may create a single ZIP compressed file and then either Email it (if it is small enough) or use FTP or a CD/DVD or flash drive to transfer the file from one network to another and then import the file.

The Basic Problem
Sometimes an individual case or several cases need to be moved from one A1-Law database to another.

There are a few ways to Transfer Cases from one A1-Law database to another.

If it is “low volume” meaning a few cases then the simplest method would be through the Transfer Utility module which allows you to email one or several cases or just transfer the file via FTP.  So the steps are as follows:

  1. Source computer creates a zip file to export
  2. File is then Emailed or FTPd or copied to a flash drive, dvd, etc.
  3. File is imported at the destination computer.

A1-Law has the ability to “email” a case or several cases.  A1-Law creates a ZIP file containing the cases and the ZIP compressed file may then be Emailed or one may use FTP or another transfer method such as a flash drive or USB drive to import the file into another A1-Law database. Here are the details:

 1.  Give yourself access rights to the Transfer Utility to Export Cases.  Click Tools, System, Configure Group Defaults and select the group you are in (ie: Administrator).    Click Security and check the “Access to Transfer Utility” checkbox.

 2.  Click Search For A Case and find the case or a few cases you are looking for.  Most importantly – look for the client card/case numbers.

 3.  At the Found Cases window (or any Found Cases window) click the Transfer Utility button (the one third from the lower left corner).  If you then click the Clear and Add button, A1-Law is going to add all the cases at the Found Cases window.  You might not want this if there are a lot of cases at the Found Cases window so it might be faster to just enter the few cases you want and separate them with a comma.

 4.  Click the Export File tab and select “Normal Compression” and click the Export Cases button.  Enter a filename (ie:  Test1).

 5.  A1-Law exports the file into the c:\lawlocal\temp folder.  This file may now be Emailed or FTPd.  You would then perform similar steps on the destination computer only you will click the Import File tab and of course it is not necessary to enter any case numbers at the first tab (the Export Cases tab).

 6.  The Client Card numbers will most likely be different at the destination computer since if you export case numbers 2 and 3 at the source computer and there are already 100 cases at the destination computer then A1-Law will renumber the imported cases from 2 and 3 to 101 and 102.  Do not import the files on the same computer you did the export or you will have unnecessary duplicates on the source computer.

