Compromise and Release

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Compromise and Release


Post by Heather » Fri Feb 14, 2003 12:52 pm

The staff informs me that there are some changes that need to be made to the Compromise and Release which I do not believe are in my capacity to change:

1) They need an additional line on page 1 at the end of #1 after the line you have for (State What Parts of Body Were Injured) as this info often is extensive and becomes too small to read with the auto small font.

2) After #6 -where the info for Date of Birth, Actual Earnings at Time of Injury, and Last Day off Work Due to This Injury- should be on the line below rather than above as it is.

3) There needs to be a formula to auto calculate the total starting with the amount entered in line 2 and subtracting anything entered in the 6 available slots at the bottom of page 1 where it says "The Following Amoutns Are to Be Deducted From the Settlement Amount:" with the total going in the slot that says "Leaving a Balance of $"

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