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Changing OCF Form Coding - #10104

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 4:17 pm
Dear Michael,

Thanks again for all your hard work and updates!

Currently we are having problems with OCF form #10104 - Deposition Attorney Fee.

In the past we made the following addition to this form to match up with our terms for Workers' Compensation Insurance company (WCINS) and Defense Counsel (DC).

courtform,Title = OCF Deposition Attorney Fee

fieldname = d1AttyHand,>
fieldname = d1name,>
fieldname = d1address,>
fieldname = d1CityStateZip,>
fieldname = filltext5,95-3245916

Problem: When we print this document - In some cases the insurance company is now showing up not only in the Adjuster Insurance Company area (correct) but also in the Defense Attorney area (top right hand side).

I'm trying to figure out how this information gets pulled into the form.

If I understand it correctly, the Adjuster Insurance Company information for this form is being pulled from the A1 Injuries (tab) --> Extended Application for Adjudication --> Carriers (tab)

(I tested this and it seems to be the care)

However, with our current coding it correctly the Defense Attorney information seems to either pull it from the Parties (tab) - DC
It incorrectly pulls the Workers Compensation Insurance from the parties (tab) - WCINS

-Could this be in any way due to how the parties are listed in order on the Parties list (WCINS before DC or vice-versa)?

Thanks again for your help!

Re: Changing OCF Form Coding - #10104

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 4:33 pm
by Anonymous User
Michael with regards to your code A1-Law will only pull the informatoin from the Party Sheet of the client card and it is all being done with the GetParty command. Now, you can easily and always change the code so that it ALWAYS asks you for the defense attorney by just using a GetParty,Ask Select the Defense attorney and it will do this. However, the command you have is GetParty,DC,WCINS and what that says is for A1-Law to find the first occurrence in the Party list that contains EITHER DC or WCINS. Therefore, if you have a Party that has WCINS and it is before the DC in the Party List then it is going to populate with that.

It seems to me that if you ONLY WANT the defense to show up in that spot then you would want to change it to >


Re: Changing OCF Form Coding - #10104

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 4:49 pm
Thanks for the information Michael! I went ahead and made the coding change.