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Form Letter Edit Setting - Template PDF? OCF/CFORM?

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 2:59 pm
Dear Michael,

We have received several PDFs (fixed - non-fill-in) that we would please like to add to our Edit Letter - Templates.*

I know that in Edit Form Letter Details You can change the - Type (dropdown) to "PDF Form"

In the A1 Law (folder) what folder would it go into and how would I name it?

*Note: Would this be possible instead to fax to you to turn into fill-able OCF/CFORM forms instead?

Thanks a bunch!

Edit - 3:15PM - Changed OCR --> OCF/CFORM

Re: Form Letter Edit Setting - Template PDF? OCR?

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 3:06 pm
by Anonymous User
How many forms do you have? If it is not a fill in then either you would need to Email them to me or you would need to purchase the Extended Adobe kit to make them fill in forms before you could use them in A1-Law. It's not necessary to purchase the kit as I can do it for you. The other option might be to just make them the non-Adobe forms like A1-Law has before EAMS as those tend to be a bit faster. Let me know.
