Commands Commands Commands

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Michael Lerner

Commands Commands Commands


Post by Michael Lerner » Wed Jan 30, 2002 10:55 am

Dear Michael,
I need some help with some commands.
To create:

(attorney name)
(attorney full address)
Attn: (name of attorney without salutation)


Smith and Smith
444 Here Lane
There, CA. 12345
Attn: John Smith

I'm currently using the command:

My question is there a way to make the command more general so that I can use it to pull up any party (insurance, referral, etc.)?

I tried using >>

and got the following:

Mr. John Smith
Smith and Smith
444 Here Lane
There, CA. 12345Smith and Smith
444 Here Lane
There, CA. 12345
Attn: John Smith

Thoughts? Suggestions? Is there a command I can put between the two listed commands so that the card will be set to the party in getparty without it having it actually print up that party? So that when the card command activates it prints up what I want?

My second question is about >.

If I use (ask stated in the help notes) >, I will only get the first 3 lines of the primary caption. After some experimentation I came to understand caption1 = primary caption and the "3" = first three lines.
Is there any way to get just lines 2-3, etc?

Michael Lerner
Lerner, Moore, Mammano, Strasser, and Silva
(909) 889-1131

Michael Appell

Re: Commands Commands Commands


Post by Michael Appell » Wed Jan 30, 2002 7:25 pm


Use the AskAndSupress parameter with Getparty as follows:

But keep in mind that you may automatically position it to other parties like the (first referral in the list) referral as follows:


Then, you don't have to use the Ask parameter but you just automatically position it to the first attorney, doctor, witness, referral or anyone else in the list. Otherwise use the AskAndSupress with GetParty.

Regarding the caption I'm not sure why you only wnat lines 2, 3 or whatever. Be careful - please remember to create a Client Opening Letter (ie: with the date, client, caption, salutation). Then have all your client letters merge from that letter. In this way, if you ever change the caption, you only need to change one letter rather than a bunch. Anyways, you may be looking for these commands to merge line 1, 2 or whatever from the primary caption:

Line 1: >
Line 2: >
Line 3: >


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