Two Digit Year Default

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Two Digit Year Default


Post by Admin1 » Fri Feb 09, 2018 2:04 pm

When entering a date like 5/9/20, one would probably assume that it is 5/9/2020. However, if one entered that date back in 1995, one might assume it is for a date of birth of 5/9/1920. A1-Law allows you to determine the default century to use when entering a two digit year.

Click Tools, System, Configure System Defaults, General

If you enter 30 for the 2K two digit year then any two digit year from 00-29 will default to 2000-2029. Any two digit year entered from 30-99 will default to 1930-1999.

So, entering 5/9/29 will default to 5/9/2029 but dates like 5/9/94 will still default to 5/9/1994. So, if one enters a date like 5/9/94 it is probably a date of birth and we would want it to default to 1994 and not 2094 but something closer to today's date like 5/9/25 would default to 5/9/2025 when 30 is the default for the 2K two digit year. You can decide what defaults you want.

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